好多年沒有用Blog寫文章了,但Olivier Awards名單太長,可能還是用Blog做字型標記會比較清楚
首先,版主必須承認這是很精彩的一年,倫敦劇場不但產出量比疫情前有過之而無不及,產出的品質也有一半在水準之上 (當然 我並不想提另一半浪費我生命的水準之下...),數量的爆炸並不真正等同於完全復甦,相反地,恐怕是因為今年多數製作人對票房沒有太大的信心,因而許多戲都只預定極短的檔期 (1-1.5個月)再視票房反應決定後續要不要transfer,與疫情前多數舞台劇至少三個月起跳有很大不同,西區劇院今年翻桌率極高,Donmar和Almeida一整年各自貢獻了7個新製作,NT-Dorfman, Hampstead, Lyric Hammersmith和Globe各貢獻6個,商業劇場則以Duke of York流動最頻繁,共計5個新製作(不包含transfer)。雖然在商言商者趨於保守,但創作者的膽量還是不小,今年新音樂劇的數量來到16齣,有沒有絕後不知道 但幾乎是空前的數字,遠超過復排音樂劇的量,雖然除了《The Witches》之外都算不上以商業為導向的製作,其中依然不乏出色的作品。令人欣慰的是倫敦觀眾也沒有讓人失望,版主無論在平日或周末,無論在明星製作、商業大劇院、或是遠離市中心的小劇院,每場上座率平均都有八成以上,倫敦劇場主要客群是本地觀眾真的不是吹的,很難想像這個城市的居民要有多大的能量才夠一週八場填滿倫敦及其周邊大大小小幾十上百個劇院 (光是SOLT會員劇院就有四十多間,若再算上非會員劇院諸如巧克力或Charing Cross,恐怕上百間跑不掉)
相較於劇場的生氣蓬勃,回到Olivier Awards的入圍名單就能很強烈地感受到這果然依舊是一小搓明星的小遊戲,Olivier的評選制度存在著很大的盲點,由於並沒有強制所有擁有投票權的會員必須看完所有資格名單裡的製作,大部分人還是只去看那些「今年大家都會看」的大製作,即使倫敦遍地都是強大活躍的小劇院,只要不是名劇團或明星加持,都很難在Olivier Awards得到應有的回報
從今年的入圍名單來看,沒錯,入圍的大約都在版主的top 10裡面,但卻有許多我的top 3完全被洗掉,這些top 3通常出自座位不多檔期也短的小劇場例如Kiln Theatre,或是不太給公關票的Almeida Theatre,或是即使在NT但卻是在Dorfman這種座位數少 而其主題偏弱勢 一般人不會主動去看的《Grenfell》。一般人不看沒什麼問題,但身為投票會員卻有可能沒看過,我覺得問題非常大!
SOLT官方最好要思考一下獎項的定位是什麼,這是專業獎,還是商業獎? 這是對演員公平的肯定,還是為了保障典禮收視率而使得明星入圍勢在必行? 我知道要求投票會員都看完有一定的難度,因為以小型短期舞台劇為主體的倫敦西區每年的資格名單比百老匯長太多,疫情前2019年的東尼獎資格名單只有34個製作,而疫情後2024年Olivier Awards的資格名單卻有116個製作,正常的SOLT會員不可能有那麼多時間看完全部,但說實話,以今年入圍名單的結果來看,很多沒那麼出色也不缺這個獎的人上榜,而那些更出色卻很需要獎項肯定的新人或新導演卻沒有得到應有的肯定,以獎項公信力來說我是絕對打上一個大大的問號
Almeida的《King Lear》
NT的《The Witches》/《Romeo and Julie》/《Grenfell》
Kiln的《Retrograde》/《Mlima's Tale》/《Two Strangers》
Riverside Studio的《Ulster American》
Donmar的《Prviate Lives》
今年幾乎可說是Olivier史上最競爭的一年,不但總數遠超往年,New Play的數量更是打破紀錄,或許得益於2023下半年好萊塢罷工,今年的劇場明星量也是爆棚,版主真的狠狠享受了一把這個年度的倫敦劇場
以入圍名單來說,今年表現最好的劇團是NT,以總共15項提名領跑榜單,今年的NT真的非常非常強大,感恩讚嘆他們的藝術總監在經過前年(2022-23)一連串慘不忍睹的產出後,今年終於覺悟完全沒有下海執導,還非常有手腕的把名導Rupert Goold, Sam Mendes等延攬回來給NT加持,Rupert Goold天才型的《Dear England》以九項提名拔得舞台劇類頭籌,不但在大獎上都有入圍,技術獎的表現也不容小覷,舞台、燈光、音響、編舞全壘打入圍
音樂劇類表現最好的是吉米洛伊的《Sunste Blvd.》以11項提名穩居榜首,但除了男配David Thaxton版主覺得勉強算得上可以之外,其餘實在非常過譽,尤其女主女配那都是個什麼東西的演技,技術類除了Set Design因為算上Video Design的部分勉強過關,其餘燈光、音響和編舞我不覺得有什麼特別,看來吉米洛伊在圈內人緣不錯啊(茶)
Best New Entertainment or Comedy Play
Accidental Death Of An Anarchist by Dario Fo & Franca Rame, adapted by Tom Basden at the Lyric Hammersmith & Theatre Royal Haymarket
Stephen Sondheim’s Old Friends, music & lyrics by Stephen Sondheim at the Gielgud Theatre
Stranger Things: The First Shadow by Kate Trefry at the Phoenix Theatre
Vardy V Rooney: The Wagatha Christie Trial, adapted by Liv Hennessy at the Ambassadors Theatre
版主碎念: 《Ulster American》居然沒上而超無趣的《Vardy V Rooney》和嗑嗑絆絆的《Stranger Things》竟然上了,是在哈囉?!
Best Family Show
Bluey’s Big Play by Joe Brumm at Southbank Centre’s Royal Festival Hall
Dinosaur World Live by Derek Bond at Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre
The House With Chicken Legs, book by Sophie Anderson, adapted by Oliver Lansley at
Southbank Centre’s Queen Elizabeth Hall
The Smeds And The Smoos, book by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler, adapted by Tall
Stories at the Lyric Theatre
Best Theatre Choreographer
Fabian Aloise for Sunset Boulevard at the Savoy Theatre
Ellen Kane & Hannes Langolf for Dear England at the National Theatre – Olivier & Prince Edward Theatre
Arlene Phillips with James Cousins for Guys & Dolls at the Bridge Theatre
Mark Smith for The Little Big Things at @sohoplace
Susan Stroman for Crazy For You at the Gillian Lynne Theatre
版主碎念: Sunset到底編了什麼舞了 有人要說明一下嗎=.= 《Operation Mincemeat》真的會哭死在廁所....
Best Costume Design
Bunny Christie & Deborah Andrews for Guys & Dolls at the Bridge Theatre
Ryan Dawson Laight for La Cage Aux Folles at Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre
Hugh Durrant for Peter Pan at The London Palladium
Marg Horwell for The Picture Of Dorian Gray at the Theatre Royal Haymarket
版主碎念: 不算太離譜,但我對《The Picture Of Dorian Gray》有意見...
Best Revival
The Effect by Lucy Prebble at the National Theatre – Lyttelton
Macbeth by William Shakespeare at the Donmar Warehouse
Shirley Valentine by Willy Russell at the Duke Of York’s Theatre
Vanya by Anton Chekhov, adapted by Simon Stephens at the Duke Of York’s Theatre
版主碎念: Vanya那個莫名其妙的one man show居然可以擠掉Almeida的《King Lear》! 《The Effect》從頭到尾超莫名也能上榜,我就說吉米洛伊人緣很好,版主的其他遺珠之憾包含: 《Medea》、Globe的《Othello》、Donmar的《Private Lives》
Best Musical Revival
Groundhog Day, music & lyrics by Tim Minchin, book by Danny Rubin at The Old Vic
Guys & Dolls, music & lyrics by Frank Loesser, book by Jo Swerling & Abe Burrows at the Bridge Theatre
Hadestown, music, lyrics & book by Anaïs Mitchell at the Lyric Theatre
Sunset Boulevard, music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, lyrics & book by Don Black & Christopher Hampton at the Savoy Theatre
版主碎念: 這個獎最後沒給G&D的話我就要大鬧會場....版主的遺珠之憾還有《La Cage Aux Folles》
Best Sound Design
Paul Arditti for Stranger Things: The First Shadow at the Phoenix Theatre
Dan Balfour & Tom Gibbons for Dear England at the National Theatre – Olivier & Prince Edward Theatre
Adam Fisher for Sunset Boulevard at the Savoy Theatre
Gareth Fry for Macbeth at the Donmar Warehouse
版主碎念: 《Dear England》和《Macbeth》實至名歸,但是Sunset一樓音場設計超爛,投票會員耳朵是壞掉了嗎? 《The Witches》和《Grenfell》竟然沒上榜非常過分
Outstanding Musical Contribution
Tom Brady for Musical Supervision & Arrangements and Charlie Rosen for Orchestrations for Guys & Dolls at the Bridge Theatre
Matt Brind for Musical Supervision, Arrangements & Orchestrations for Just For One Day at The Old Vic
Steve Sidwell for Orchestrations & Joe Bunker for Musical Direction for Operation Mincemeat at the Fortune Theatre
Alan Williams for Musical Supervision & Musical Direction for Sunset Boulevard at the Savoy Theatre
版主碎念: 今年開始這個獎不給作曲只給編曲、指揮、音樂指導之類的,除非作曲兼任編曲,這個提Sunset也很莫名,《G&D》和《Operational Mincemeat》要是都沒拿到的話真的沒天理,
Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Will Close for Dear England at the National Theatre – Olivier & Prince Edward Theatre
Paul Hilton for An Enemy Of The People at the Duke Of York’s Theatre
Giles Terera for Clyde’s at the Donmar Warehouse
Luke Thompson for A Little Life at the Harold Pinter Theatre & Savoy Theatre
Zubin Varla for A Little Life at the Harold Pinter Theatre & Savoy Theatre
版主碎念: 《Grenfell》的Joe Alessi和《King Lear》的Fra Fee沒入圍真的是莫名其妙,《A Little Life》連Zubin都進也是莫名其妙....
Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Lorraine Ashbourne for Till The Stars Come Down at the National Theatre – Dorfman
Priyanga Burford for An Enemy Of The People at the Duke Of York’s Theatre
Haydn Gwynne for When Winston Went To War With The Wireless at the Donmar Warehouse
Gina McKee for Dear England at the National Theatre – Olivier
Tanya Reynolds for A Mirror at the Almeida Theatre & Trafalgar Theatre
版主碎念: Priyanga Burford 和 Tanya Reynolds都過譽了,Catrin Aaaron from 《Romeo & Julie》是遺珠之憾,應該純粹只是因為很多人沒看過這齣
Best Set Design
Miriam Buether for Set Design & 59 Productions for Video Design for Stranger Things: The First Shadow at the Phoenix Theatre
Bunny Christie for Set Design for Guys & Dolls at the Bridge Theatre
Es Devlin for Set Design & Ash J Woodward for Video Design for Dear England at the National Theatre – Olivier & Prince Edward Theatre
Soutra Gilmour for Set Design and Nathan Amzi & Joe Ransom for Video Design for Sunset Boulevard at the Savoy Theatre
版主碎念: 這個項目今年強大的真的太多,相較來說Sunset可能只勉強出色在Video Design,其餘那一片烏漆媽黑空蕩蕩有點缺乏說服力,版主的遺珠之憾包含,《King Lear》、《Operation Mincemeat》、《Peter Pan》、《The Witches》、《The Little Big Things》、《La Cage Aux Folles》
Best Lighting Design
Jon Clark for Dear England at the National Theatre – Olivier & Prince Edward Theatre
Jon Clark for Stranger Things: The First Shadow at the Phoenix Theatre
Paule Constable for Guys & Dolls at the Bridge Theatre
Jack Knowles for Sunset Boulevard at the Savoy Theatre
版主碎念: 《G&D》和《Dear England》太難取捨,其他兩個很垃圾就算了,《Grenfell》連這個項目都沒完全沒天理,《La Cage Aux Folles》的燈光設計也非常精彩,不過比較可惜的是她演出的那陣子三天兩頭下暴雨,好像很多天下半場都臨時取消以至於可能很多會員去看也沒能看完...版主本來一直想二刷的都因為下雨作罷,其他遺珠包含Globe的《Othello》和NT的《The Witches》
Best Actress in a Supporting Role In a Musical
Grace Hodgett Young for Sunset Boulevard at the Savoy Theatre
Zoë Roberts for Operation Mincemeat at the Fortune Theatre
Amy Trigg for The Little Big Things at @sohoplace
Eleanor Worthington-Cox for Next To Normal at the Donmar Warehouse
版主碎念: 謎之名單,Grace Hodgett Young演技很可怕好嗎,Eleanor Worthington-Cox在N2N也很不入戲,這到底都在選什麼...不過今年確實沒有看到太出色的音樂劇女配
Best Actor in a Supporting Role In a Musical
Jak Malone for Operation Mincemeat at the Fortune Theatre
Cedric Neal for Guys & Dolls at the Bridge Theatre
David Thaxton for Sunset Boulevard at the Savoy Theatre
Jack Wolfe for Next To Normal at the Donmar Warehouse
版主碎念: 男角就不同了,這四個都很強,David Thaxton能夠以一己之力對抗女主可怕的演技真的很加分,但我覺得今年毫無懸念必須給眾望所歸的Jack Wolfe,他的表現太過顯眼的出色,今年想到音樂劇最佳男配就滿腦子都是他
Best New Opera Production
Blue by the English National Opera at the London Coliseum
Innocence by the Royal Opera at the Royal Opera House
Picture A Day Like This by the Royal Opera at the Royal Opera House – Linbury Theatre
The Rhinegold by the English National Opera at the London Coliseum
Outstanding Achievement in Opera
Antonio Pappano for his role as Musical Director of the Royal Opera House
Belarus Free Theatre Company for King Stakh’s Wild Hunt at the Barbican Theatre
Marina Abramović for her concept and design of 7 Deaths Of Maria Callas at the London Coliseum
Best Actor in a Musical
David Cumming for Operation Mincemeat at the Fortune Theatre
Tom Francis for Sunset Boulevard at the Savoy Theatre
Daniel Mays for Guys & Dolls at the Bridge Theatre
Charlie Stemp for Crazy For You at the Gillian Lynne Theatre
版主碎念: Jamie Parker (N2N), Gabriel Vick (Mrs. Doubtfire), Carl Mullaney (La Casge)和Sam Tutty (Two Strangers)都沒入圍但Charlie Stemp和Tom Francis居然進,這是什麼莫名其妙的世界
Best Actress in a Musical
Natasha Hodgson for Operation Mincemeat at the Fortune Theatre
Caissie Levy for Next To Normal at the Donmar Warehouse
Nicole Scherzinger for Sunset Boulevard at the Savoy Theatre
Marisha Wallace for Guys & Dolls at the Bridge Theatre
版主碎念: 雖然版主本人很討厭Caissie和Nicole,但有鑑於許多英國人到現在還是搞不清音樂劇演員看的不是歌聲而是演技,這兩隻會進並不意外,Marisha Wallace和Natasha Hodgson確實要做出很艱難的選擇,本項目沒有太多遺珠,今年音樂劇女主的表現沒有特別亮眼的
Best New Dance Production
Broken Chord by Gregory Maqoma & Thuthuka Sibisi at Sadler’s Wells
The Rite Of Spring by Seeta Patel at Sadler’s Wells
La Ruta by Gabriela Carrizo, part of Nederlands Dans Theater – NDT 1 at Sadler’s Wells
Time Spell by Michelle Dorrance, Jillian Meyers & Tiler Peck, part of Turn It Out With Tiler Peck & Friends at Sadler’s Wells
Outstanding Achievement in Dance
Isabela Coracy for her performance in NINA: By Whatever Means, part of Ballet Black: Pioneers at the Barbican Theatre
Jonzi D for his artistic direction of Breakin’ Convention 2023 International Festival Of Hip Hop Dance Theatre at Sadler’s Wells
Rhiannon Faith for her community focussed conception of Lay Down Your Burdens at The Pit at Barbican
Outstanding Achievement in Affiliate Theatre
Blue Mist by Mohamed-Zain Dada at the Jerwood Theatre Upstairs at the Royal Court Theatre
A Playlist For The Revolution by AJ Yi at the Bush Theatre
Sleepova by Matilda Feyişayo at the Bush Theatre
The Swell by Isley Lynn at the Orange Tree Theatre
The Time Machine: A Comedy by Steven Canny and John Nicholson at the Park Theatre
版主碎念: 雖然這個項目不在我今年的雷達範圍內,但還是要狂推講香港反送中的《A Playlist For The Revolution》,劇本寫得好 演得也非常好
Best Director
Stephen Daldry & Justin Martin for Stranger Things: The First Shadow at the Phoenix Theatre
Rupert Goold for Dear England at the National Theatre – Olivier & Prince Edward Theatre
Jamie Lloyd for Sunset Boulevard at the Savoy Theatre
Sam Mendes for The Motive And The Cue at the National Theatre – Lyttelton & Noël Coward Theatre
版主碎念: 這個入圍名單就是個笑話,Stephen Daldry在《Stranger Things》的問題超大,這到底是憑已有的名聲還是實力入圍? 《Grenfell》的Phyllida Lloyd and Anthony Simpson-Pike沒進,《Guys & Dolls》的Nick Hytner沒進,《King Lear》的Yaël Farber、《Operation Mincemeat》的Robert Hastie、《Retrograde》的Amit Sharma、《La Cage Aux Folles》Tim Sheader通通都沒進,我就問Stephen Daldry到底憑什麼? 從導演榜單來看就可以知道會員投票存在的弊病,名導不用多看就永遠佔據榜單,表現出色的新人永遠沒有機會
Best Actress
Laura Donnelly for The Hills Of California at the Harold Pinter Theatre
Sophie Okonedo for Medea at @sohoplace
Sarah Jessica Parker for Plaza Suite at the Savoy Theatre
Sheridan Smith for Shirley Valentine at the Duke Of York’s Theatre
Sarah Snook for The Picture Of Dorian Gray at the Theatre Royal Haymarket
版主碎念: 相較於音樂劇,舞台劇類今年出色的女主非常多,這個名單裡要從Sophie, Sheridan和SJP之間選一個就非常困難,其他遺珠尚有《Ulster American》的Louisa Harland, 《Till the Stars Come Down》的Lucy Black,《Beneatha's Place》的Cherrelle Skeete,《Romeo and Julie》的Rosie Sheehy, 《Macbeth》的Indira Varma
Best Actor
Joseph Fiennes for Dear England at the National Theatre – Olivier & Prince Edward Theatre
Mark Gatiss for The Motive And The Cue at the National Theatre – Lyttelton & Noël Coward Theatre
James Norton for A Little Life at the Harold Pinter Theatre & Savoy Theatre
Andrew Scott for Vanya at the Duke Of York’s Theatre
David Tennant for Macbeth at the Donmar Warehouse
版主碎念: 繼導演之後又一個讓我火冒三丈的名單,Andrew Scott和David Tennant的表現不能說不好,但在今年高手如雲的狀況下我不認為他們應該上榜,看起來他們上榜的唯一理由就是因為他們是明星,而比他們表現強太多的Danny Sapani (King Lear)、Ivanno Jeremiah (Retrograde)、Daniel Rigby (Accidental Death of an Anarchist)、Callum Scott Howells (Romeo and Julie)不能上榜的唯一合理原因就是他們對收視率沒有幫助,如果Olivier也只能為已經占據資源頂端的人背書,那這個獎座到底有何意義?
Best New Play
Dear England by James Graham at the National Theatre – Olivier & Prince Edward Theatre
The Hills Of California by Jez Butterworth at the Harold Pinter Theatre
The Motive And The Cue by Jack Thorne at the National Theatre – Lyttelton & Noël Coward Theatre
Till The Stars Come Down by Beth Steel at the National Theatre – Dorfman
版主碎念: 《The Hills Of California 》和《Till The Stars Come Down》都不錯,但絕對進不了我今年的top 10,《Grenfell》、《Retrograde》、《Romeo and Julie》的落榜實在很荒謬...
Best New Musical
The Little Big Things, music by Nick Butcher, lyrics by Nick Butcher & Tom Ling, book by Joe White at @sohoplace
Next To Normal, music by Tom Kitt, book & lyrics by Brian Yorkey at the Donmar Warehouse
Operation Mincemeat, music, lyrics & book by David Cumming, Felix Hagan, Natasha Hodgson & Zoë Roberts at the Fortune Theatre
A Strange Loop, music, lyrics & book by Michael R. Jackson at the Barbican Theatre
版主碎念: 《A Strange Loop》上而《The Witches》落榜實在很玄幻....