
2011年11月6日 星期日

[Doctor Who] 永遠的10th 永遠的RTD時代

英國長青影集Doctor Who新版第六季早已劃下句點,我卻從608之後就開始拒看這個讓我失望至極的新劇組

打從DW 2005捲土重來所累積下來的深厚底蘊,早已被Steven Moffat消耗殆盡






Anyway DW的RTD時代已經過去




這樣的回顧與致敬,絕對足以讓任何RTD時代的DW fans潸然淚下

據說是Wrap Party上演員們特別做給RTD與Julie的致敬影片

JB旁白, DT飾RTD, CT飾Julie...

and like someone said---what the hell are Russell and Julie doing on the bed!!!

哈哈哈哈 大家抓重點的速度都好快啊XDD

我想RTD寫DW劇本寫得有多痛苦,有看confidential和The Writer's Tale的人應該都很清楚吧


DT演到最後崩潰的樣子讓人不禁想像The Writer's Tale裡是不是只表達了RTD萬分之一的崩潰@@

Yes, you did it! You both are king and queen of Doctor Who!!

(誰寫這個歌詞的啊? 真是個天才@@)




大家歡樂告別 我永遠愛你們!!!



明顯拍攝於The End of Time結束時,大家都還穿著戲服,DT整個超賣力XDD



Julie and Russell sat one night.

Russell sparked up a Marlboro Light.

Julie's eyes were all ablaze,

As Russell tried to shun her gaze.

He knew the look, he knew the score;

It seemed more manic than before.

Russell cringed in fear and dread

As Julie pulled him near and said:

Let's do it, let's do it.

I've had a really good idea.

We'll revamp, make more camp

A sci-fi show from yester-year.

I've had banter with Tranter.

Your written word will be hailed in the ming mong mantra.

Let's do it, let's do it tonight.

But he said...

I can't do it, I can't do it.

You're asking far too much of me.

I'm harassed, embarrassed;

I've watched the show since I was three.

Don't choose me, don't use me,

My mother sent a note to say you must excuse me.

I can't do it, I can't do it tonight.

So she said...

Let's do it, let's do it-

Make a brand new Doctor Who.

We've got Chris in, all's missing

Is a sidekick and an all-Welsh crew.

It's not silly to ask Billie.

We'll film in every quarry from here to Caerphilly.

Let's do it, let's do it tonight.

Ooh, then he said...

I can't do it, I can't do it-

The pressure of the BBC.

I must email some young male

To alleviate the stress on me.

I can't block out, please lock out,

Images of Johnny B getting his cock out.

I can't do it, I can't do it tonight.

She replied...

Let's do it, let's do it.

Phil okayed my offer to produce.

We'll get Trac to take flack

When he lets his raging temper loose.

My decision to use your vision

Will make the show the best thing on the television.

Let's do it, let's do it tonight.

And he squawked...

I can't do it, I can't do it.

Chris is giving up his role.

No Time Lord? Oh good Lord,

How we're gonna fill this role?

It's too complex, we're all wrecks.

My brain is overflowing with bloody Daleks.

I can't do it, I can't do it tonight.

She excitedly said...

Let's do it, let's do it.

We'll get another Time Lord in.

Don't sweat it, you can't let it

Make you sad and maudlin.

It's not over, and moreover,

We'll get the lovely fellow in from Casanova.

Let's do it, let's do it tonight.

And he yelled...

I can't do it, I can't do it.

I really think that I can't cope.

More rewrites, no respite-

I think I've given up all hope.

It'll get canned, it'll be panned.

Lou says there's no costumes in the whole of England.

I can't do it, I can't do it tonight.

Then she proclaimed...

Let's do it, let's do it.

Martha Jones is Freema Agyeman.

We'll bring back Captain Jack

To fight against the Cybermen.

We'll cast a great Master,

He can plunge the planet into global disaster.

Let's do it, let's do it tonight.

And he screamed...

I can't do it, I can't do it.

You've cast Australia's pop princess.

It's madness, my sadness

Will make this episode a mess.

My panic is manic-

The uproar when I kill her off on the Titanic!

I can't do it, I can't do it tonight.

And she expelled...

Let's do it, let's do it.

The Doctor needs a brand new mate.

Don't linger, go ginger.

I'm gonna bring back Catherine Tate.

I wanna, you're gonna,

Reunite the Doctor with the fabulous Donna.

Let's do it, let's do it tonight.

He punctuated...

I can't do it, I can't do it.

I've got obsessed with E4's Skins.

Writer's block. Please don't mock,

It takes my mind off other things.

It's so lame, I must blame,

Dirty thoughts I'm having about Midshipman Frame.

I can't do it, I can't do it tonight.

Excitedly she said...

Let's do it, let's do it.

To film abroad will get my vote.

I promise Ed Thomas can't bring Ancient Rome to Upper Boat.

It's D-Day on Pompeii;

The forums will be buzzing on Outpost Gallifrey.

Let's do it, let's do it tonight.

And he roared...

I can't do it, I can't do it.

The studio in Rome's ablaze.

On fire, it's dire-

How the hell are you not phased?

It's mental. Be gentle.

They say the cause of fire was a Berkley Menthol.

I can't do it, I can't do it tonight.

So she roared...

Let's do it, let's do it.

We've got kids back behind settees.

Our mission, ambition,

Was a show for all the families.

we should try as our goodbye

A hassle-free excursion to sunny Dubai.

Let's do it, let's do it tonight.

But he shouted...

Oh, let's do it. Let's do it!

I feel like I've been set free.

I won't sweat it, now Moffat

Is taking up the reins from me.

I can't wait, it's just great-

I've got a cracking way for Dave to regenerate.

Let's do it, let's do it tonight!

Guess what?

They did it! They did it!

They opened up the TARDIS door.

They're terrific, prolific.

Made it better than it was before!

A 'thank you' from your crew.

We crown you both the King and Queen of Doctor Who.

You did it, you did it tonight!

Lyrics by Jennie Fava, after Victoria Wood.

2 則留言:

  1. 我也是DW迷(!)所以才找到你的blog.


    (直接看BBC,還有DW的展覽,甚至還可以看Much Ado About


    我其實也滿懷念DT和RTD的,看以上那兩個影片時我哭的跟和The End Of



  2. 是啊,我很喜歡RTD的寫作風格~



    我完全無法苟同------真的就是喜歡RID Era有什麼辦法:)

