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2005首演的三隻小Billy, 2014因DVD版拍攝再度聚首 |
意料之中卻也意料之外,倫敦西區的【Billy Elliot】在歷經10個年頭之後,終於吹響熄燈號...
在下檔傳言滿天飛了將近五年後的今天,製作方終於主動宣布,【Billy Elliot】的告別演出將於2016年4月9日舉行,英倫劇場,將揮別自己創造的又一傳奇
從一開始,被"Be Yourself"的主旨打動
再然後,太陽花學運之後再看【Billy Elliot】,才明白政府財團的掛鉤、勞工階級的悲歌即便在民主的發源地也不曾倖免
這七年,我從來沒有辦法寫下一篇完整的【Billy Elliot】Review

不是"Electricity",也不是"The Letter"
但這群在最基層用血汗養家的勞工們,卻用這首"Once We Were Kings"來告訴觀眾,公平正義是他們不朽的夢想與永不止息的希望
Once we built visions on the ground we hewed
We dreamt of justice and of men renewed
All people equal, in all things
We once were heroes,
Once were kings
But all great things must come to pass
We know the first will soon be last
And in the ground we maybe lain
But a seed is sown to rise again
So we walk proudly
And we walk strong
All together
We will go as one
The ground is empty
And cold as hell
But we all go together when we go
We saw a land where wealth was shared
Each pain relieved, each hunger fed
Each man revered, each tyrant killed
Each soul redeemed, each life fulfilled
From each mats means to each his need
We saw a time man would be freed
We fought for all the things we saw
The battle's lost but not the war
So we walk proudly
And we walk strong
All together
We will go as one
The ground is empty
And cold as hell
But we all go together when we go
We will go down but our heads are proud
We will go down with our voices loud
We will go down but come again
And we all go together when we go
Ah... (3 times)
And we all go together when we go.
We walk proudly, and we walk strong
All together we will go as one
The ground is empty, and cold as hell
But we all go together when we go.
We walk proudly, and we walk strong
All together we will go as one
The ground is empty, and cold as hell
But we all go together when we go.
We walk proudly, and we walk strong
All together we will go as one
The ground is empty, and cold as hell
But we all go together when we go.
【Billy Elliot】整齣戲都是夢想與現實的衝突拉扯,從孩子到大人,都是如此