Both Sides Now
There is that Smaller World which is The Stage, and that Larger Stage which is The World.
2014年6月13日 星期五
個人音樂劇最高紀錄-17場Jersey Boys 劇情篇
(Jersey Boys original London cast performs on RVP in 2008. Amazing Ryan and Stephen!)
Everyone knows that I’m crazy for London theatre.
Everyone knows that I’m a super musical fan.
I always say that a good show deserves to be seen more than once and I always do that. After so many years crazy for musicals, I’ve seen Les Mis for 8 times with different cast and productions. I’ve seen Phantom of the Opera, Billy Elliot and Blood Brothers for 4 times each (with different cast as well). But here’s one thing that I’ve never done before --- watching one show with almost the same cast for 11 times. YA! Call me Jersey Boys’ girl!
Jersey Boys, 道道地地的美國百老匯原產音樂劇, 首演在美國, 講的是美國人的故事, 卻讓我這個英國癡, 完全無法抵禦...
嚴格說起來, Jersey Boys是個很不美國的故事, 或許是因為 這是真人真事, 個人猜測美國人會喜歡, 大概是因為他的音樂太過熟悉; 但英國人喜歡, 我很肯定是因為故事…或許就是因為真人真事, 所以少了美國人的膚淺無聊, 多了幾分現實的無奈。在我這個已經無法相信真情 理想 人性的階段中, Jersey Boys的故事就跟Blood Brothers一樣讓我低迴不已, 只是Blood Brothers是一帖濃墨重彩的猛藥, 而Jersey Boys卻是淡淡地活著 卻足以讓你細細品嘗生命中種種的悲歡離合與無奈…很難說我到底更喜歡哪一個, 或許BB的次數比JB少這麼多, 純粹只是因為BB的厚重無法過度頻繁的看, 而JB的淡然悠遠 卻能一點點把你浸透…
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