
2016年2月22日 星期一

Whatsonstage Awards 2016

WOS Awards 2016 舞台劇類最佳男女主角 - Benedict Cumberbatch & Nicole Kidman

這是Whatsonstage Awards成立以來的第16屆頒獎典禮

BC的【Hamlet】與Nicole的【Photograph 51】
16WOS Awards舞台劇類大贏家為2015年夏天在倫敦Barbican Centre一票難求的BC版【Hamlet】,共獲得最佳舞台劇男主角、最佳復排舞台劇、最佳舞台設計以及最佳燈光設計等四座獎
音樂劇類大贏家毫無懸念地再度由Chichester搬演上來的【Gypsy】拿下,共獲得最佳音樂劇女主角(Imelda Staunton)、最佳音樂劇女配角(Lara Pulver)、最佳復排音樂劇以及最佳導演(Jonathan Kent)共四個大獎
舞台劇類最佳女主角則由睽別西區舞台長達17年的Nicole Kidman以【Photograph51】奪得,該劇也拿下了最佳新舞台劇,堪稱實至名歸

意料之中也是意料之外,音樂劇類最佳男主角由【Kinky Boots】拿下,但拿獎的不是西區人氣小生Killian Donnelly,而是在劇中發揮空間更大,表現也更為出色的Matt Henry以美艷霸氣的變裝皇后“Lola”一角封王
Matt Henry剛柔並濟 美艷非凡的Lola
值得一提的是,在英國劇場與電視劇界都混得風生水起的Mark Gatiss,今年以【Three Days in the Country】蟬聯最佳舞台劇男配角,繼去年與Tom Hiddleston合作【Coriolanus】後二度拿下同一獎項
再加上Lara Pulver拿下最佳音樂劇女配角,今年【新世紀福爾摩斯】家族大舉入侵倫敦舞台可謂滿載而歸

Mark Gatiss除了是功力深厚的演員外,亦身兼熱門影集【新世紀福爾摩斯】與【Doctor Who】的演員及總編劇
今年的劇場貢獻獎,則頒給從去年底開始在劇場展開一整年舞台劇馬拉松製作的資深莎劇演員兼好萊塢名導演Sir Kenneth Branagh,感謝他從年輕到現在總是不斷在倫敦舞台上自導自演 發光發熱
Sir Kenneth Branagh與Dame Judi Dench

Best Actor in a Play 
Benedict Cumberbatch, Hamlet
James McAvoy, The Ruling Class
Bradley Cooper, The Elephant Man
Mark Rylance, Farinelli and the King
Alex Hassell, Henry V
Best Actress in a Play 
Nicole Kidman, Photograph 51
Denise Gough, People, Places and Things
Lia Williams, Oresteia
Rosalie Craig, As You Like It
Harriet Walter, Death of a Salesman
Best Actor in a Musical
Killian Donnelly, Kinky Boots
Michael Ball, Mack and Mabel
Matt Henry, Kinky Boots
Sam Mackay, In the Heights
Ben Forster, Elf the Musical
Best Actress in a Musical
Imelda Staunton, Gypsy
Beverley Knight, Cats
Kimberley Walsh, Elf the Musical
Lily Frazer, In the Heights
Katie Brayben, Beautiful: The Carole King Musical
Best Supporting Actor in a Play
Ciaran Hinds, Hamlet
Mark Gatiss, Three Days in the Country
Bertie Carvel, Bakkhai
Johnny Flynn, Hangmen
Kobna Holdbrook-Smith, Hamlet
Best Supporting Actress in a Play
Sian Brooke, Hamlet
Anastasia Hille, Hamlet
Imogen Doel, The Importance of Being Earnest
Patsy Ferran, As You Like It
Judi Dench, The Winter's Tale
Best Supporting Actor in a Musical
Lucas Rush, American Idiot
Alexis Gerred, American Idiot
David Bedella, In The Heights
Jack Edwards, Mack and Mabel
Peter Davison, Gypsy
Best Supporting Actress in a Musical
Lara Pulver, Gypsy
Jennie Dale, Elf the Musical
Amy Lennox, Kinky Boots
Lauren Samuels, Bend It Like Beckham
Victoria Hamilton-Barritt, In The Heights
Best New Play
Photograph 51
People, Places and Things
Farinelli and the King
Best New Musical 
Kinky Boots
Bend It Like Beckham
Elf the Musical
In The Heights
Best Play Revival
Importance of Being Earnest
The Ruling Class
Death of a Salesman
Best Musical Revival
High Society
Mack and Mabel
American Idiot
Best Direction
Hamlet, Lyndsey Turner
In The Heights, Luke Sheppard
American Idiot, Racky Plews
Kinky Boots, Jerry Mitchell
Gypsy, Jonathan Kent
Best Choreography
Kinky Boots, Jerry Mitchell
In The Heights, Drew McOnie
High Society, Nathan M Wright
Gypsy, Stephen Mear
American Idiot, Racky Plews
Best Set Design
Hamlet, Es Devlin
American Idiot, Sara Perks
Kinky Boots, David Rockwell
In The Heights, Takis
Gypsy, Anthony Ward
Best Lighting Design
Hamlet, Jane Cox
In The Heights, Howard Hudson
American Idiot, Tim Deiling
Kinky Boots, Kenneth Posner
Gypsy, Mark Henderson
Best Off-West End Production
Shock Treatment, King's Head Theatre
Carrie the Musical, Southwark Playhouse
You Won't Succeed on Broadway If You Don't Have Any Jews, St James's Theatre
Grand Hotel, Southwark Playhouse
Assassins, Menier Chocolate Factory
Best Regional Production
Mack and Mabel, Chichester Festival Theatre and tour
Mary Poppins, tour
Anything Goes, Sheffield Crucible and tour
Hairspray, tour
Henry V, RSC
Best West End Show
Les Miserables
Kinky Boots
Miss Saigon
